5 definitions by U735

(Noun) A hypothetical person that you see as irrelevant who is bothering you in some way. Comes from the older version of the word "jerk", meaning an obnoxious person, but turned into a name.

Use similarly to "John Doe".
"Yo, why are you leaving 10 minutes before closing?"

"I got stuff to do, if Jimmy Jerk-Off comes in here and starts giving you shit, just tell him to fuck off."
by U735 December 12, 2021
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A running joke among those with a strong belief in gun rights.

The idea stems from a hypothetical scenario that bounces around American libertarian communities quite often, in which the ATF would find out that you own illegal guns, such as illegally made machine guns, and then raid your house, as they did in the Ruby Ridge incident, at which point you would make some valiant stand and fight off an entire swat team with illegal weapons and booby traps, akin to an R-Rated Home Alone film. They'll commonly also refer to the ATF SWAT team as "fedbois" or "alphabet bois".

The Claymore Roomba itself is simple. A claymore is a directed anti-personnel explosive. You point it in a direction and it kills everything in that direction, with minimum collateral damage to targets around it. A roomba has a large button on the front, that acts as a bumber to detect when it bumps into something, so the idea behind a claymore roomba would be to mount a claymore on a roomba, wire the detonator to the bumper, then when it drives forward into a "fedboi"'s foot, it would fire shrapnel forwards, demolishing the officer's shins.

(This does raise a question, as the roomba curves around unpredictably, so how would you get it to tell the difference between a SWAT team and some piece of furniture that they're walking by?)
"Oh no! The sticky bandits are back! I better sic the claymore roomba on them this time!"
by U735 December 12, 2021
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Any take that is so obscenely outside the realm of normal human discourse that it could solely happen in an internet echo chamber. The kinda take that you only hear on social media sites like reddit, where you can curate exactly who you're talking too, so you know that at any given moment, everyone agrees with your ridiculous take, thus enabling you to go even more insane.

Expect it to be coming from a dumbass 14 year old who's punching it in on their iPad, cause if they said it irl, their parents would smack them upside the head and then change the wifi password.

Not necessarily political, but often, and not necessarily on any side of any political group, but typically leftist or libertarian.
"Hey, child slavery should be legal, cause it's not the government's job to prevent it. I mean... it's still wrong and we should shame people for doing it, but let's legalize it. Just on principle."

"Oh my god, that was the most chronically online take I've ever heard, where'd you get that one, the Libertarian party of New Hampshire's twitter?"
"Personally I think that it's absurd we allow men to give out the nobel prize, it just makes them solely choose advancements that benefit them. They should be exclusively for women or nonbinary people."

"FFS, I know that you heard that in a 400 reply twitter thread when you were scrolling through that app all day last night."
by U735 September 19, 2021
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While it's originally used to describe having sex without protection, it can be used as slang for doing anything TO something, without something else that that something would require, such as some form of preparation, protection, or anything to make it go smoother that one would consider almost essential, typically out of callousness.
"Wait, so you're not using any nyquil, cough drops, not even any tea?" "Nah bro, I'm straight rawdogging this cold."

"Bro did you just flip that chicken with your bare hands? You just gonna rawdog that boiling oil like that?'

"Yo, did I see you show up to that lecture without any notebook or textbook? Fully rawdoggin' this course, eh?"

"Wait dog, you didn't download any music, movies, no book, nothing? Gonna rawdog a 12 hour flight like that?"
by U735 December 6, 2021
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A threesome that involves one member of one gender and two bisexual or pansexual members of the other (or some weird combination of pansexuals if enbies are involved.)

The idea is that, to bi/pan people, it's slightly superior to a gay threesome, because two of them get a more varied experience, and that it's WAY better than a traditional threesome with straight people, as all three of them get to enjoy two partners rather than just one of them.
Luke: "I had a threesome last night."

Charlie: "Oh how was it?"
Luke: "The guy was bi, so it was a max potential threesome. Incredible. I got fucked in the ass and fucked this girl's pussy at the same time. Scratched two itches at once."
by U735 December 12, 2021
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