27 definitions by Tyson

1. A non-existent word, used by the President of the United States, G.W.Bush in his 2003 state of the union address. He likely meant to say Fascism.
Hitlerism, thats not even a word man!
by Tyson January 29, 2003
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1. A shortlived music encoding standard that preceded mp3's
2. Acronym for m p 2
Sheesh this mp2 player is worthless!!
by Tyson January 29, 2003
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everything like good betterhead
see that girl her body looking good bet she is a betterhead
by Tyson March 24, 2004
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2. A drug-addicted person, most likely hooked on crack-cocaine. A crackhead.
That clucker ran off with her money like a bat out of hell.
by Tyson April 2, 2003
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Batshit Crazy Warmonger, or BCW. Often inciting wars and encouraging Imperalist behaviour in uneducated leaders.
1. Jesus, my new manager is a total rumsfeld, the CEO listens to everything he says, and the companies tanking.
by Tyson January 27, 2003
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The act of using one's finger or fingers to infiltrate one's anal opening or vaginal opening using extreme force and excessive repetitions.
Eddie finger blasted himself into a coma.
by Tyson November 17, 2003
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1. Prone to violent outbursts. The offensiveness of said outburst often adapts to the situation.
2. Having an unnatural attraction to Asian Women.
1. What a chrigu, why does he even go to gay bars if he's just going to get upset about the parking !
2. Flying all the way to san francisco just to ogle women, I don't know, theres just something chrigu about it.
by Tyson January 27, 2003
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