216 definitions by Tyler

Skid row is the greatest band to release a debut CD in 1989. Also, they suck now without their classic lead singer.
Skid row kicked ass, but now they suck
by Tyler April 5, 2005
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the act of acting in a black and in doing so is punished or put out by others.
that white boy got beat by his dad because he had on a fubu shirt
by Tyler February 27, 2005
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verb, to cum or bleed in ones pants
Don't coozy in my pants
by Tyler July 12, 2004
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a water company that when written backwards spells "naive"
does this mean that if you drink evian you're naive?
by Tyler March 4, 2005
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A publically world wide wesbite where anonymous uses can post and read extremely defiling insults regardning Chase Rodrigue
I am going to have fun at UrbanDictionary.com
See 'explosive diarhhea'
by Tyler February 2, 2003
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