20 definitions by Two Hep Cats

Any school textbook that filters reality through a fancifully enthusiastic neo-conservative agenda.
Copping a page from the Iranian Playbook, the Texas Board of Education removed Thomas Jefferson from Texbooks because he believed in the separation of church and state.
by Two Hep Cats March 17, 2010
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An attention-seeker who compulsively, addictively blogs or posts to a social networking site many times a day.
Sarah's a postaholic. Six, seven times a day she pathetically pukes out where she is, what she's eating, what she's watching on TV. Who gives a flying fork?
by Two Hep Cats July 10, 2011
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Dogs expand to fill the sofa available.
Mutt: Dude--I can't sit down. Your sofa's completely covered with dogs.

Jeff: Fido's Law, man.
by Two Hep Cats June 2, 2013
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The world will arrange itself to make you--personally--feel maximally foolish.
Murphy's Law is a subset of the Theory of Maximum Foolishness. ML says "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong." Often, that is true. However, the TOMF says that if something can go RIGHT that would make you look MORE foolish, then that is what will happen.

For example, ML predicts that bread will always fall butter-side down. But, if I TELL YOU it will fall butter-side down, when I go to actually SHOW YOU, the bread will fall butter-side up, making me feel maximally foolish.

The TOMF is true, but neither verifiable nor falsifiable to others because, whatever conditions you establish to test it, only YOU will know if the result made you feel maximally foolish. Of course it will, but only you will know that.
by Two Hep Cats October 17, 2009
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An unstoppable video that begins on a Web page, no matter what your browser settings for video auto-play are, and can only be stopped manually. The most insidious versions can't be stopped at all.
CNN has started using videopharts. Doesn't matter how you set your browser, they load and begin playing automatically until you manually shut them off.
by Two Hep Cats June 23, 2017
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To make some phenomenal gaffe or faux pas, similar to putting your foot in your mouth.
Man, I really put the aspirin between my knees yesterday. I told Jen that her new dress made her look fat.
by Two Hep Cats February 18, 2012
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The theory that the 99% exist only to serve the needs of the wealthiest 1%, as if the majority of people are simply cows to be milked.
The modus operandi of Fox News demonstrates that Rupert Murdoch subscribes to the Milch Cow Theory.
by Two Hep Cats January 7, 2012
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