2 definitions by TwinKss

The act of CC-ing a person's boss on an email when you are not getting a desired response.
Worker 1: I asked John's assistant to fax me the approval an hour ago.
Worker 2: Email her to follow up and copy John.
Worker 1: CC Snitch, good idea.
by TwinKss September 10, 2009
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A particular type of girl who will drive upwards of 15 min to your house to have sex with you once a week from 8-9:30pm. She is allowed to visit other times only if she is bringing food. She cannot enter the house though. She is not your girlfriend.
Guy 1: Is that your girlfriend upstairs?
Guy 2: No, she's my 8-9:30 girl.

Guy 1: Do you have plans tonight?
Guy 2: No, my 8-9:30 girl is just going to drop off some lobster.
by TwinKss September 9, 2009
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