158 definitions by TurnM3Up

Phrase used by an avetard to get another mentally weak avetard to cave in and do some dumb tard shit. This phrase works so well because all avetards are mentally weak as shit and can't deal with jack shit. An avetard also doesn't want to be known as a bitch even though that's exactly what he is no matter what.
"Dude come take rip off the dab rig"
"Nah not tonight"
"Dude come on, "don't be a bitch""
"Ok fine, just a baby dab"
by TurnM3Up December 4, 2019
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The color of an avetard's eyes after he takes a rip off the dab rig. This color also happens to be one of TardU's colors and it is no coincidence at all that an avetard will have the same color in his eyes. Whenever an avetard has this shade of red in his eyes, he is 100% out like a light.
Bruh, Henry hit the rig and that mf was out like a light! His eyes were Oklahoma Crimson red, he was not ready to hang.
by TurnM3Up November 25, 2019
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Plural form of OU tard. OU tards are people who either attend, "graduated" from, or are big fans of the University of Oklahoma aka TardU. Oklahoma is full them of them which explains why Oklahoma isn't a desirable place.
These damn OU tards always think it's natty szn but they literally have zero football intelligence.
by TurnM3Up December 10, 2019
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people at the university of oklahoma who are absolutely dumb as shit; most of these dudes have the IQ of a rock; will be completely useless in the real world
Those students at OU are so stupid, they're known as OU Tards.
by TurnM3Up November 8, 2019
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Norman "Nick"'s ideology that he can turn a hoe into a housewife. This is a damn near impossible transformation to make considering the type of girls that are found at the University of Okla(HOE)ma. These OU girls are a different type of hoe, due to this, it is highly likely that she will be a hoe even at age 60 because they crave dick more than anything else in the world.
"I can turn a hoe into a housewife, bitch"-Norman "Nick"
by TurnM3Up December 10, 2019
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The comfiest avetard couch, which the avetards bought separately when they initially moved in. They had to move it in on their own and therefore had to carry it up the stairs to get it into their apartment (the gif below depicts the process). This was the most used couch since it was the nicest and everyone always wanted to sit on it. The reason why I saw "was" is because while all of the other avetards were gone one day, one avetard who stayed behind, sold the couch to some random indians to make a quick buck so now these niggas are left without the red couch.
When the rest of the avetards came back and saw that red avetard couch was missing, they thought someone broke in and stole it since the avetard door is always unlocked but they quickly realized that the couch was sold and they were all pissed because the one avetard sold it and on top of it, they didn't even get any money.
by TurnM3Up November 24, 2020
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South Asian Student Association at OU. This is a group made up of Indian students who think they are promoting Indian culture and making an impact on the community at OU. The reality of the situation is that these niggas ain't really doing shit. This is just a ploy resume enhancer club that the Indians at OU are joining despite not really being about it. You can think of this club as a clown fest since it composed of all OU students which makes each of them an OU tard.
These OU tards always try to flex how they are a part of OU SASA and I always ask them what the club does and these niggas always freeze up because they can't think of a legit thing that the club has actually done.
by TurnM3Up December 14, 2020
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