1 definition by TudorGothicSerpent

On the technical side, Bacardi 151 is a liquor developed by the Bacardi Corporation, based out of Hamilton, Bermuda. It is 75.5% alcohol by volume, hence the name. 75.5 % ABV is 151 proof. It is also the same alcohol content used in the fuel for a V2 rocket.

That moves us on to the less technical side, the reason you came here instead of Wikipedia. I would say that Bacardi 151 is the devil, but the truth is that the devil actually rejects its use in his parties in Hell because it is simply too flammable. Bacardi 151 is an eldritch horror, born not in Bermuda, but in some dark place where things that feast on human corruption grow large in the shadows. To say that it is not fit for human consumption is an understatement. Stories end when it is mentioned. Men sob. Bears die.

Whoever said "all things in moderation" was not discussing this spirit. Moderation is not the key here. This beverage looks at moderation, laughs, and says something so raunchy about its mother that it snaps. Two lightly mixed drinks with Bacardi 151 will have you throwing up, walking into glass doors like a confused bird, and questioning your own existence on a night you intended to spend celebrating.

Bacardi 151 is a bad idea. I would say to kill it with fire, but unless you want an ungodly explosion of glass and piss-colored fuel from Hitler's vengeance weapon, you really should just pour it out in honor of all the people who I am sure it has killed.
The defendant drank three shots of Bacardi 151, consumed a parakeet, then jumped onto the hood of a police car and defecated. When arrested, he stated that he was "Giving the officer the bird." No parakeet bone or feather fragments were found in his stool.
by TudorGothicSerpent January 25, 2014
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