13 definitions by Truth2Power

Psychological issues unique to Da Life; "baggage".
Woman with Gangster: "You nevah evah tell me that you love me! I am so tired of dealin' wid yo' gangsta shit!"

Gangster: "Yo, Baby, please don't be trippin' like dat - I'm not so good at representin', I know, but my parents' nevah showed me no luv. Or what luv I did get was entirely conditional. It's my shit, I'm a gangsta, I got to deal wid it, I know."
by Truth2Power September 5, 2004
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n. Resource allocation plan, prescribed for specific duration; resource most commonly is money, but other resources such as food and even intangible resources like time can be allocated in a budget.
Yo 'sup! I've had a miserable time managing my money, 'cuz I been so muthafuckin' focused on keepin' up wid da bling! Werd.
by Truth2Power September 17, 2004
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Diminutive of "my bad", the enunciation of which saves neither the enunciator nor the listener any time of mind or eardrum, though which does indeed spare the enunciator the torment of touching the tip of his tongue to the front upper roof of the mouth as when one does actually say "bad".
Yo 'sup?! I lament the laze and malaise of the muthafucka who can't bring himself to say "my bad" but instead must employ "my b" in its stead, even though there is no contractive benefit gained by the effort, muthafuckas!
by Truth2Power September 6, 2004
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Irate Odobenus rosmarus.
Yo 'sup! Deny him his bivalve mollusks at your own risk, 'cuz dat muthafucka be one angry walrus! Werd.
by Truth2Power September 12, 2004
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v. To discuss; often expressed with prepositional modifier.
Yo 'sup! Let's hash out our differences over some hash browns and corned beef hash, mothafucka! Werd.
by Truth2Power September 18, 2004
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A baked foodstuff for which the primary ingredient is maize, which many people call corn, a grain. Tradition holds that the Pilgrims ate corn bread because it was a plentiful grain - and the only grain - readily available where they settled in Massachusetts.
Yo this cornbread is most delicious, mothafucka! I gotta git me the recipe, fool!
by Truth2Power August 6, 2004
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