48 definitions by True_Lust

1. An area of philosophy that posits that no social construct has true value and that human existence is inherently meaningless
I studied nihilism in my free time. That’s why I started doing cocaine.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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The rapper who dropped out of Harvard to “save the rap game” but is the first rapper people point to when lamenting about mumble rap.
Lil Pump arose to fame by publishing a song where he repeated “Gucci Gang” over and over again and described his nonexistent sexual exploits.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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Used to refer to an autism mom who is sheepishly obsessed with curing autism
My mom made a donation to Autism $peaks. What a curebie.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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This is the white person that gets offended when white people are called “Caucasian” because “the only people that are Caucasian are from the Caucasus region.” In reality, Caucasian is a word commonly used to describe white people and has taken on a double meaning. Unfortunately it is correct in that sense to call any white person “Caucasian.” A more valid reason to not use the word “Caucasian” is its history with scientific racism. One could say the only people who are white are albinos or that the only people who are albinos are named Albino. Race is a social construct that is itself incorrect; the concept of what is white has changed over time in the United States. Words take on new meanings, and it’s important that we focus less on the Red Herrings and start focusing on what matters.
Kenyan Dude: Europe is filled with shithole countries.
German Dude: How could you say that? That’s my culture. That’s my identity.
Kenyan Dude: Now you know what it feels like for someone call you country of origin a “shithole country.” You get to be Caucasian—
German Dude: The only people who are Caucasian are from the Caucasus region.
Kenyan Dude: Not according to the dictionary, you OWP. If there’s no confusion and that’s the only misgiving you have with the word, then I’ll continue to use it in spite of you.
by True_Lust July 24, 2019
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A mental health condition typically characterized by impaired social skills, obsessive interests, repetitive behaviors, and stimming. The spectrum is famously gigantic, and each individual with autism is different. Most people with this condition aren’t savants although some are. Some people with this condition “pass” as not having it as there’s symptom overlap between autistic people non-autistic people.
Hans Asperger was the first psychologist to have observed autism. He thought of it as a neurological difference to be respected. Leo Kanner took credit for his work and introduced a harsher view of autism.

This culminated in autism being thought of as childhood “psychosis” that resulted from bad parenting. Many people believe that autism rates have been increasing when, in fact, autism diagnosis has only been increasing because of the changing medical model.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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The eudaimonia and mental clarity achieved after busting a fat nut, best achieved with having sex with a person you truly love
Dude 1: I couldn’t study Stat Mech for shit. So I went out with this girl I met on tinder and fucked her doggy style.
Dude 2: What does this have to do with Stat Mech.
Dude 1: The Post Nut Clarity made everything click.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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An autistic man marries an allistic woman. Whether they choose to have kids or not shoudn’t be influenced by eugenics.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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