48 definitions by True_Lust

Autistic savant who’s able to read extremely quickly and remember the vast majority of it, inspired Rainman
After meeting Kim Peek, Dustin Hoffman was inspired to play Rainman, an autistic savant who exists only as a character for entertainment.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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She had a little lamb but a big, fat, juicy personality. I’d sleep with her to conserve body heat in the ill-maintained shed.
Man 1: This is my daughter, Mary. She’s a furry.
Man 2: You castrated the lamb, right?
Man 1: ...
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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(Emerging Cultural Phenomenon) A musical genre incorporating elements of ragtime, romantic-era piano music, and meme culture created by Charles Cornell, a YouTuber, music tutor, and musician
Dude 1: I wish they had a memusic section on Spotify.
Dude 2: Oh, it must be sooo hard having Spotify premium.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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It underpins physics which underpins chemistry which underpins neuroscience which underpins the incurable romantic attraction I feel for Beyonce.
“Mathematics is the poetry of logic.”
- Albert Einstein
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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This is arguably the greatest synthwave artist of all time. They’re responsible for hits like Resonance and Without a Sound.
The only time I feel at home is when I listen to Home. Or when I’m with you baby...
by True_Lust July 23, 2019
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The state of being autistic and gay at the same time
Daniel Tamment swirled the Twainbow ribbon in the Pride Parade.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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1. Opposition to the movement opposing the Anglican Church in England in the late 1800s.
2. The only long word that I know how to spell.
Dude 1: Antidisestablishmentarianism.
Dude 2: Do you even know what that means?
Dude 1: That is a pronoun used to refer to singular nouns.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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