72 definitions by Troy

1. a class we take because we hate ourselves

(from the Latin "mathis" meaning "Satan's Alphabet)
Person A: "I hate my life and I want to make it horrible"
Person B: "I know of a good math class..."
by Troy October 4, 2004
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A Type of map in starcraft / broodwar that has traps.
by Troy July 12, 2004
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often confused with the cleveland kiss, this term means to fuck a girl from behind then spit on her back so she thinks that you have came on her back, then when she turns around the guy punches her in the head.
yeah, yeah, yeah... donkey punch that bitch!!!
by Troy October 30, 2003
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The Act of giving physical love is an unnatural way!
BRA, you know that nikki girl we met at that party well...des...all the way!
by Troy May 3, 2003
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An asian person who acts like they are white. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside.
Quang doesn't know what Dim Sum is? man that guy's a Banana.
by Troy February 20, 2003
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why for do you brush your toothes?
by Troy November 1, 2003
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a person, by the name of dan who reminds one of a neanderthal. a rather odd looking fellow with a large brow and forehead.
cave dan has been doing some serious crushing!
by Troy October 30, 2003
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