39 definitions by Tristan

This is a special word that has one proper meaning, it is used to describe bad fortune (eg. said after u see someone fall over or make any kind of mistake) or alternatively, a person who is mal-co-ordinated, or generally unfortunate (every group of friends has one, you know, the one who always gets a football in the nads)
(your mate is walking along and walks into a lampost)- your immediate reaction; HOY!!!!!!!!!!!
by Tristan January 3, 2004
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an ulgy girl. derived from scoring girls out of ten.
-"alright you naught"
by Tristan January 3, 2004
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an interval of time shorter than a minute but longer than a second.
i've been waiting for misns!
by Tristan February 27, 2004
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An undescribable amount of love
I loverzez Kels! Used instead of: I love Kels lots and lots and lots and lots.
by Tristan May 2, 2004
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Spanish word. Me = to me and Duele = causes pain.
by Tristan February 23, 2004
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The act of getting crunk, or being so crunk, that you are unable to speak, and must be referred to in the third person because you are unable to think or speak.
Yo, Tyreseus, we need some mad crunkification tonight so's we can fuck dese bitches.
by Tristan November 25, 2003
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to 'choose' something slightly more carelessly then regular choosing. (eh, it made the dictionary bish!)
i choo choo choos u.
by Tristan February 26, 2004
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