5 definitions by Trippinballs

The act of going to a highly populated area of Asians to have a field day} with hoarding asian pussy.
in stony brook i had a yellow fever field day with all the hot asian pussy around there.
by Trippinballs February 2, 2007
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basically asians cant drive because who could drive with their eyes 3/4 shut
yo man that fuckin asian cunt almost hit me b/c her eyes were shut and fuckinasianscantdrive. ME SO HORNY ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME.... Lets all move to flushing/bayside queens and make the house real estate value $500K ? sound good?! NO fuck you. those little shitshacks on the side of the back numbered streets arent worth $500K. especially with no place to park.. oh look theres no place for me to park.. but im asain so i can figure out that you can park within a 3/4 mile radius.. well FUCK YOU OK ! why dont you have some plastic surgery and correct the 3/4 closed to 3/4 open.. im sure you can tell the plastic surgeoun the math to do so. ANYWAY I wanna park in FRONT of my fucking house not 3 blocks down the fuckin street.. so get the fuck outta queens and move to suffolk county where theres lots of land n shit. OH too bad? did i go off on a tangent? im sure they can do some tangents for my calculus home work. thanks
by Trippinballs January 23, 2007
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no comment except for the girls there need to learn how to drive on merrick rd a little better u dumb bitches
no. it will probably take up more space than your server has to type up personal experiences about massapequa
by Trippinballs January 26, 2007
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The act of whackin it very quietly, like when everyone is home or someone is right outside the room. Turn the volume down really low.
Yo man the other night I was so horny so I did some stealth mode masterbation.
by Trippinballs January 30, 2007
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Basically a fucking girl who thinks she can do w/e she wants b/c she has nice tits and a nice ass and treats people like shit for her own satisfaction of feeling above others
AYYO go fuck yourself you self important bitch and get my attention normally
by Trippinballs January 23, 2007
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