38 definitions by Trey

how i feel when im with christina
dude i felt wonderfullest when me and christina were makin out man
by Trey December 30, 2005
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Abbreviation for Pelvic Inflammitory Disease. Usually accompanied by a foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Caused by micro organisms that come from a few token STD's.
Johnny, you're such a pid whiffer.

Randall, thats a pid licker you're talking to!
by Trey January 26, 2005
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grill of a car
yo, check out my new grizzel bitch
by Trey November 29, 2003
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1) The male sex organ
2) A substitution for any other noun verb or adjective
1)Who wants to see my meat?
2)Hey you little meat you just meated all over my meat!
by Trey March 1, 2004
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1. A school where a freshman is bilked for as much money as possible before being shuffled off campus - usually without any idea of where to live - should he DARE to stick around until he is an upperclassman.

2. A school where the people who run it waste money like gibbering jackasses.

3. A school that purchases several $2 million dollar tour busses for the basketball team - which they will then refuse to use.

4. A geographical location wherein the people who give parking violations and the personal servants of the Devil may or may not be the same people - the actual facts are still hotly debated.
"Where the hell am I gonna live next year as a UMCP senior?"

"UMCP spent how much on a tour bus?"

"Those hellspawn from UMCP parking services fucked me good!"
by Trey December 13, 2004
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God is a made up guy used to give hope to the people 2000 years ago. He was their way of explaining EVERYTHING.
God is a mythical being.
by Trey February 23, 2005
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st.gertrude's is exactly the same as any other private school in richmond except 4 the fact they got uniforms, other than that they all ugly ass muh fuckaz, rich ass snobby ass 2 cent crackwhores, and they all throw themselves at the brother schools, shut da hellup cuz im da onli 1 aloud 2 talk dis shyt!
Like oh my gosh, i go to like st.gertrudes and i really dont know why i hate those st.catherines girls but it might like umm be because like they're just like us!!
by Trey March 11, 2005
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