2 definitions by Trenounde

A member of a british subculture. Scallyism is particularly apparent in Liverpool.

The general traits of scallies:

They swear more than is necessary,
Get unnecessarily drunk, and smoke marijuana, because they think it is 'kewl'.
They have a tendency to be racist, homophobic, and abusive towards people who have different taste in music to Westlife, and different taste in clothes to tracksuits.
As the scally gets older, he/she'll normally spend his life claiming money from the government, due to not being able to get a job, as the marijuana has destroyed all the mental ability they had, and they spent all their school years attacking mentally ill and elderly people whilst under the influence of alchohol, instead of learning.
It is not uncommon for a female scally to get pregnant so she can claim child benefit, giving her enough money to buy that little bit more of cocaine at the end of the week. But most female scallies are stupid enough to have unprotected sex anyway.
They also happen to have the worst conversational skills, and the worst sense of humour in the world.
scally 1: Ey this fuckin' bus is shit. and that bus drivers a fuckin' faggot!
scally 2: ha ha ha! yeah... HEY BUS DRIVER! YOU'RE FUCKIN' GAY!
scally 1: ha ha ha... you're dead funny...
ey look at that gaybod over there... he's walkin', an he's got a fuckin' walkin' stick... ha ha ha! old people are so gay.
by Trenounde May 14, 2004
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To insult someone by 'dissing' their girlfriend.
Harry: Yo cunt what the fuck are you doin' with that ugly bitch, man, she's a fuckin' minger, ya get me?
Dave: Shut ya mouf mate if you're dissin' ma hoe i'm gonna fuckin' twat ya, ya get me?
by Trenounde May 13, 2004
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