88 definitions by TreeWeezel

Marksmanship, for knives. The discipline of knife-handling, covering skill in precision and speed of cutting, all with cavalier style. Also covers selection, care, safety, maintenance, and never once cutting yourself.
mom: who will carve the roast beast?
knifeman: allow me.

<knifes flash in a silver blur, and the beast is reduced to perfect portion slices>
mom: Impressive! Great knifemanship.
by TreeWeezel April 8, 2011
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When you drape a t-shirt over your head with the collar on your forehead. You tie the arms together behind your head and then you're ready to cross the urban desert.
We had to walk five blocks in the july heat to get to the bball court, so I did an urban turban so I wouldn't get ashy.
by TreeWeezel November 2, 2011
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A recreation that is characterized by the inability to bail out (as in skateboarding) or brake (as in bicycling). This makes even routine rolling an extreme sport unless there are no hills or traffic.

Stylistically, it is possible to be as dashing as Mercury, the winged-foot messenger god. However skaters are usually squatting and flailing their arms as they try to balance, so they end up looking pretty flamboyant.

Athletically, you can go for speed, skateboard style tricks, or dance moves with cones (slalom). Unless you have flat wide space, survival is usually challenge enough.
When rollerblading, always choose a route with no stop signs at the bottom of hills. And whatever you do, don't bend at the waist and flail your arms in circles like a complete fruit.
by TreeWeezel April 9, 2011
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An almost intangible length. About as small a movement as the human eye can detect. Approximately the diameter of a pubic hair.
The painting isn't centered - move it one pube to the right
by TreeWeezel August 16, 2011
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Historic: traditional African dish of stewed goat scrotum. Brought to America by slaves and adapted to Southern cooking conventions.

Current: Served deep fried at breakfast at any small diner in South Carolina, Georgia, and lower. Interestingly, nobody likes it, but they think other people like it. Yankees will often order it, mistaking it for grits (a more common and even grosser dish.)
Yankee1: What are groats?
Yankee2: Some podunk cornpone sorta thing.
Yankee1: I'll have that.
Yankee1: Wow, this bacon's really leathery.
by TreeWeezel April 2, 2011
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The band that defined Alternative Rock as we know it. Hit song "Dizz-Knee-Land" kicked off the alternative rock radio movement.

Unfortunately few other bands with an independent spirit have had nearly the same production values, so this breed of alternative rock fizzled with the band.
Spin "Puzzle" by Dada if you want to know what alternative rock is/was. These current indy guys don't know their way around a guitar, or how to develop a lick, or even how to play at more than a single dynamic level.
by TreeWeezel June 14, 2011
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A very urban situation, originating on the east coast. The perps wait for their target with crates of eggs, then egg the crap out of him.
Beastie Boys "Eggman":


(describing an egg raid)
by TreeWeezel April 8, 2011
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