88 definitions by TreeWeezel

Mildly derogatory way to refer to somebody's car. The car in question should be small, cheap, and obscure.
Hey guys I got a car! It's a 2005 Rio.

Yeah, we saw. Nice Stanza. <snicker>
by TreeWeezel August 16, 2011
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To chop an object into tiny pieces, as Mulan did to the Huns in the movie of the same title.
My kite flew into the fan and was mulanized.

I mulanized the chicken with a deboner.
by TreeWeezel August 20, 2011
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Its practicers are attracted to the long, phallic shape. They think they are more manly than anyone else who rolls, because of the board's penile shape and the riding style: standing stoicly like a man, without squatting, thrusting, or contorting of any sort.

No tricks of any sort, strictly manly stances. The one kinda cool thing they can do is slalom down a hill to scrub off speed, similar to a snowboarder. They will still jump off the moment things get dicey.

In reality these guys are passed by grandmas on 3-speed bicycles, even downhill.
Longboarding looks kinda cool...oh wait, that old lady just passed him on her grandma's bike.
by TreeWeezel April 9, 2011
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When affluent young urbanites flit to and fro trendy bars and restraunts, consuming designer snacks

- from "Zippy the Pinhead" by Bill Griffin
Let's go grazing: we'll do the whole town and get tapas, miniature desserts, sushi, designer cocktails, and whatever else is hot now.
by TreeWeezel October 5, 2011
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Female form of teabagging. The male genitalia dangle like a teabag, but a female would have to use her entire rear end. As long as we're talking tea that's the whole teapot.
You fell asleep with your mouth open, and Fat Tina was teapotting you!
by TreeWeezel August 19, 2011
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Used like the phrase "bundle up". Allusion to Kenny of tv show Southpark who wears an orange sweatshirt with the hood up at all times.

To "kenny up" can mean to simply bundle up before going outside, or more properly, to wear a hood and tighten it down over your face until you are only seeing thru a small gap.
Man it is windy outside. Kenny up before you go out there!
by TreeWeezel January 6, 2012
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From movie TRON and "tonic" meaning liquid.

The glowing blue beverage from TRON, consisting of pure energy. In the analog world, the closest thing is the appropriately colored and aptly named blue Powerade
I started to get tired playing basketball in the heat so I took a big gulp of Trontonic. It tasted like pure energy!
by TreeWeezel April 16, 2011
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