12 definitions by Toxic540

The president that all ignorant teenagers hate but when asked why they hate him the response most of the time is "well he is dumb?" or "we are in war for now reason?" but best of all "i just do." In reality they are just trying to be rebelious and part of a fad. However the few logical responses by people that have a sufficient amount of knowledge in poltics opposing our president is indeed respected.
The reason President George Bush won the election is because america's youth cannot vote.
by Toxic540 August 11, 2006
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Some people believe Canada and Mexico are noobist colonies, however I strongly disagree.
by Toxic540 August 13, 2005
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Those chicks are defiantly mild.
by Toxic540 September 24, 2005
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if a girl says this to you and she is not your sister and you are a strait man this is not a good thing. this means you have entered the friend circle and there is no chance for a sexual relationship with her.
girl: g2g lylab!
boy: fuck
by Toxic540 August 31, 2006
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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Fuck censorship.
by Toxic540 December 15, 2005
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The phrase used to describe the event in which one person makes another person "flinch" via pretending to punch them, pretending to throw something at them, or through any other agressive action in which you do not actually touch or hit the subject. If the person flinches (just blinking does not count as flinching) from this action you have the right to say "ride it." When said the guilty party (the one who flinches) must grab your arm which you will hold at a 90 degree angle and the guilty party must grab onto it with either hand and with the other hand must hold it up and twirl it with one finger up as if they were signaling a homerun. Depending on the severity of the flinch, the victim might need to make noises. "Riding it," is a sign of respect for the person who is being rid.
(fake punch)
stefan: you flinched ride it pussy
greg: stfu i didnt flinch
mike: yeah you did you little bitch
greg: ok fine
(rides it)
by Toxic540 June 6, 2007
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the act of driving your fist into a women's vagina with superior force
"She got poonjabed so hard she couldn't walk for a week."
by Toxic540 November 17, 2004
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