5 definitions by Totally not NuggNugg DoesStuff

The opposite of a Pokemon Genwunner. This type of player prefers the New Generations over the Old
Man: Hey, my favorite Pokemon is Pikachu, what's yours?
Man 2: Pikachu? That's such a bad Pokemon, like Gen 1 is garbage af. Anyway, I like Zacian.
10 Minutes Later
Man 1: Hey, Man 2 said Gen 1 is Garbage af.
Man 3: Wow, he's such a Newgenner
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Joe: Hey did you hear Liam died in a car accident?
Mike: Wow.. What a Bruh Moment..
Joe: Yeah lol
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when you're so annoyed, that you live in spain with a capital PAIN
"im so annoyed."
"i live in sPAIN"
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A way to tell your child that they are adopted
Mother: Do you know Yuri?
Son: No, who's that?
Mother: Yuri-Dopted lol
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Cock-Blocking is when you stop a male from trying to hit on a girl.

It can also mean when you block a chicken on twitter.com.
"Hey this guy named chicken just called me a slur"
"Welp, you better get Cock-Blocking!"
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