8 definitions by Tony Huynh

A sensitive spot that brings much pleasure to a girl when rubbed.
by Tony Huynh May 3, 2008
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A race that makes up 70% of MMOGs.

*Statistic is based on nothing
From South Park episode 1008 - Make Love, Not Worldcraft

Kyle Broflovski: Wow, look at all these people playing right now!
Eric Cartman: Yeah it's bullcrap! I bet half of these people are Koreans.
by Tony Huynh April 6, 2008
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A popular YouTube celebrity whose videos mainly contain her just staring at the camera for several seconds. Magibon is American, but is heavily influenced by the Japanese culture, and so she speaks Japanese. Many people are jealous that she gets a lot of attention and call her a Japanese wannabe, because it makes them feel better to make fun of someone who is better than they.
The hill88 on YouTube says:
"So here's how to create Magibon.
You get a girl who looks like she's age 12-16, when she's actually in her twenties, so the guys don't feel bad about watching her, so they don't feel like a pedophile, even though most of them probably are."
by Tony Huynh April 8, 2008
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The man that YOU will probably meet some day.
Just kidding, he's the man that I'm gonna meet someday in a 'supposedly' 13 year-old's kitchen.

He stars on Dateline NBC: To Catch a Predator, which is partners with Perverted Justice, the group that does all the chatting to pedo's and lures them to houses.
Chris Hansen is my enemy.

I'm not really a pedophile, by the way. I'll only be one when I begin to get desperate ;)

Chris Hansen has a weird but cool voice too.
by Tony Huynh April 17, 2008
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What your parents did and later regretted to create you.
Your Mom: Damn, I wish I practiced abstinence.
Your Dad: Damn, I wish I used a condom.

Imagine your mom and dad having freaky sex as old people.
by Tony Huynh April 14, 2008
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A drunk fat guy in a red suit who broke my heart at a mall when I was little.
Santa Claus: Tony, have you been nice this year?
Me: Yea, Santa!
Me: :(...
by Tony Huynh May 3, 2008
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A popular website for children (it's not for children!), teens, and adults. It is also the main feasting ground for pedophiles (Serves you right kids). A handful of people on MySpace lie about their age.
0H!M3s0H0rNy (MySpace age: 13, Real Age: 44): Hey, wanna get together sometime at your house when you're alone?

Amanda White (Myspace age: 87, Real Age: 12): Sure, you seem cool :)
by Tony Huynh April 17, 2008
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