12 definitions by Tomsow(12)


It is highly reactive as it is a alkali metal, and it will react in the same way as sodium, potassium etc but more violently.

It is also highly unstable as it only has 1 valence electron, and it’s radioactivity will cause it to have a very short half life.

OBAMIUM can only be found in a substance known as OBAMA PRISM, and OBAMA PRISM can only be created under extremely specific conditions that can only be found on the surface of the planet Venus, or on Barrack Obama’s head.
My friend told me he got access to Obamium but soon he teleported to the parallel dimension and never came back.
by Tomsow(12) November 22, 2019
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Name used for someone who either makes a really dumb decisions or is themselves really dumb.
I offered my patient with diagnosed kidney cancer surgical removal of it, but he refused and instead decided to use herbs to heal himself. What a fucking retard.
by Tomsow(12) November 25, 2019
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Etiquette of how knight should behave. It doesn't really have much in common with being nice to women, rather it dictates what rules there are at fight, etc., etc. If a woman (especially feminist) tells you chivalry is dead, throw your gloves on the ground in front of her and challenge her to duel to death with longswords and shields to show her what this word really means.
Lately, a woman walked to me and told me "chivalry is dead", so I challenged her to a sword duel. It seems chivalry is well enough, the woman's dead, though...
by Tomsow(12) January 9, 2020
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As opposed to American Dream, European Dream is a concept of equality of opportunity for anyone who lives in Europe, mainly European Union, regardless for who they are, or from where they've come from.
I though of going to the USA, but after realising I would end up on street with shady job, I chose to go to the France. I prefer the European Dream.
by Tomsow(12) December 27, 2019
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In radio/military slang, tree means three. It was changed like that to minimise mistakes made when non-native speakers pronounced number "three".
Zero (0) tree (3), this is Spook. Happy to comply, I'm on my way. Spook out.
by Tomsow(12) February 11, 2021
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An situation when the temperature inside reactor core reaches such high levels that the fuel rods (made from Uranium) begin to melt their way down and destroy the reactor.

It usually happens when fuel rods cannot be cooled by a cold substance (for example heavy water) and they start vaporising every single molecule of water nearby, thus accelerating the process of building heat. The only thing operators can do now to stop it is to drop control rods, but it can be impossible because of built up pressure (that's how Chernobyl happened). When the control rods are down, the nuclear power plant crew still needs to resume water delivery to the reactor because of nuclear decay

TL:DR Nuclear fuel gets hot and burn it's way down the reactor.
Guy from Fukushima: The tsunami shut down our water pumps and now now the heat level is over the critical point. We have to evacuate whole wing of power plant and get fireman over here. Tell them there's high risk of Nuclear meltdown.
by Tomsow(12) January 28, 2020
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A disease affecting your Central Nervous System especially brain. It is caused by accumulated beta amyloid plaques and tau plaques that kill the neutrons. Thr disease causes progressive loss of cognitive functions, which means person is likely to have memory loss, disorientation, etc. and after some time (3-9 years) patient dies from loss of live functions, mostly from respiratory failure. There is currently no cure, however the fact of incurable disease attracts large number of scientists to work on it. Main ideas of possible cure are focused on stopping the progress of accumulating amyloid plaques, destroying them via immune system (proposed Alzheimer vaccine), etc.
A dad of my friend has been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease. It was a heartbreaking news for them.
by Tomsow(12) October 27, 2019
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