12 definitions by Tomicus

The 2009 H1N1 Virus which is believed to be made up of Human, Swine, and Bird parts.
The chance of getting this new virus from pigs, birds and people in the spring is about one chance in a million. I think that's why we call it the when pigs fly virus.
by Tomicus May 11, 2009
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A Wannagooder is a synonym of naive. A wannagooder is someone who wants to solve the worlds problems by engaging in naive acts.

A wannagooder never takes the time to understand the true nature of the worlds challenges and how they might actually be solved.

The word comes from the combination of "Wannabe" and "Do-gooder"
Those people are such Wannagooders. They recycle religiously and think they are saving the world, but they really just keep the price of aluminum down for the megacorps.
by Tomicus April 9, 2009
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The nanotechnology equivalent of a tatoo, able to change the design and color automatically as a result of implated nanotechnology "Ink."
Dude, I just got the coolest Nattoo. I can show pix of my rocket ship and make cash advertising for Poison Energy Drinks at the same time!
by Tomicus May 30, 2009
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A government is a group with predatory instincts who possess neither the capital to form a corporation nor the singular bravery of common thieves.
Our Government is a group of cowards and thieves, but I repeat myself.
by Tomicus May 17, 2009
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The tongue-in-cheek title of the latest Star Trek film released in 2009 and masterfully produced and directed by JJ Abrams.
Dude, I loved that movie, but I couldn't figure out how to refer to it after all the other Star Trek films. I finally settled on Star Trek: The Glare Generation because of its cool futuristic lighting style.
by Tomicus May 18, 2009
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Alch-Calc: the calculation required to determine how long you will need to exercise non-stop to burn off the calories accumulated from drinking alchohol during a particular alchohol consumption opportunity.
Damn, I drank like a fish last night! My Alch-Calc is 25 hours!
by Tomicus April 6, 2009
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Employing the use of the "force of government" by a religious group or sect in order to impose a belief system, behavior system, or series of customs on members of a society or collection of societies under the premise that it is a "god(s) will."

This may be achieved by legislation, judicial means, direct executive action, or by the employment of the government educational system.

Generally achieved by social, emotional, philosophical, or directly physical intimidation.

"The way those people are treated is simply Talibanical. What business is it of the government anyway whether someone is married or unmarried. I mean besides the confiscation of their hard earned money so that government can give it to me of course."
by Tomicus April 20, 2009
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