12 definitions by Tomicide

When you stick you foot into someones vagina and then squeeze their uterus with your toes.
i cant feel my legs because my boyfriend Banana phone'd me last night
by Tomicide November 19, 2004
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When two lumberjacks have anal sex with a condom, while wearing football pads, and with parental supervision.
I swear to batman, I saw Kenny give Austin the Safety Dance. His mom took pictures too. ^^
by Tomicide January 14, 2005
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7 in the front, 10 in the back.
The Harlem Globe Trotters decided to give my mom the 7-10 split last night.
by Tomicide November 19, 2004
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moon waffle

When you punch someone in the testicles, and laugh, because they thought you were going to give them an actual waffle.
Cory- 'Hey Austin, want a Moon Waffle?'
Austin- 'Sure'
by Tomicide December 31, 2005
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When you blast off in a chick's mouth until she snorts it out her nose.
I'll obstruct yout legislative process! With my SEMEN!
by Tomicide December 16, 2004
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When you blast off in a chick's mouth, until she snorts it out her nose.
My bitch ain't respectin' me, so I strait filibustered her nigga!
by Tomicide November 11, 2004
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