34 definitions by TomKVideo


To fuck a loose bitch so hard that your balls hurt and may get caught in the vagina of the lucky lady.
Alison and Ben went off somewhere. Ten bucks says he's trying to bury the potato.
by TomKVideo December 8, 2008
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A term in a first-person shooter, when you suprise someone from around the corner and lay into them with a shotgun at point bank range.
"Hi, good morning. See that helmet with brains in it? I musketfucked Chris like 30 seconds ago."
by TomKVideo February 17, 2009
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A sexual position, in which the male stands atop a dresser or some piece of furniture as a wrestler would perch hisself on a turn buckle.

Then, while fully erect -- he frog splashes in and onto the woman.
Lianne wanted something new in the bedroom. So I gave her the Bomb Fuck.
by TomKVideo December 29, 2009
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The internet news source (Facebook) where you learn possibly factual information about the days of your friends, acquaintances, and stalker prey.
Guy 1: "So hey, do we know where Jenny is tonight?"

Guy 2: "Not exactly, but according to Facebook News, she broke up today and she was feeling sick. Frownie-face."

Guy 1: "...fucking stalker."
by TomKVideo January 4, 2009
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When a person is so fucked over, thrown under the bus extremely hard, or emotionally drained in a fierce fashion that requires transcendence.
Guy 1: "Jeff got drunk at the party, puked on the foreign girl, passed out, and those skater kids drew a dick on the siding outside of his house."

Guy 2: "Beyondshafted."
by TomKVideo January 4, 2009
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The zip code just outside Baltimore where dreams go to die.
"Lets get off at Exit 13, hit up the 21228 and see if we can't piss someone off at 7-11."
by TomKVideo August 27, 2009
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50% Feminists. 50% Sex Freaks.
So I met this hipster chick at the bar last night. She was blowing me off until I brought up Passion Pit and The National. Then she was just blowing me.
by TomKVideo September 29, 2009
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