10 definitions by Toilet896

An adjective describing someone who has achieved a ridiculous amount of university degrees.
Dr. Phil - I have more degrees than a thermometer but even as a country boy, I can tell that your family has shit the bed.
by Toilet896 November 18, 2015
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Referencing the protagonist John Galt in Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged" where the aforementioned and fellow business tycoons go on strike to "stop the motor of the world" which leads to the collapse of the socialist society (true collectivism would be like the Borg) portrayed in the novel.

Thus "Going Galt" implies to either not start or cease being productive as a response to socialism.
I can't believe that socialist Obama was elected in a statistical landslide. I'm Going Galt!!
by Toilet896 June 21, 2019
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When a person publicly live streaming a game does a sexy dance in return for donations.
Bot: sadist99 has donated $5
Pokemon go vlogger: Thank you very much *does a shame dance*
by Toilet896 July 19, 2016
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Published or publicly available content compromised for the author's ideology or finances but which they almost always contend is for preventing some universal existential threat. Is virtually confirmed when, failing to expand the reach of their message through rational debate, the author hypocritically disparages the very notion of people doing their own research. At this point, the author is guilty of third degree lying, concerning reckless disregard for telling the truth, and the mesearch itself has turned from misinformation into disinformation. Most notably led to the well-documented replication crisis in soft sciences such as psychology from John Ioannidis' breakthrough 2005 article, "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False".
Linda: Why is Batman's cape covering his ass so much? It's a question I ask with a tear in my eye as the real Batperson Gotham, The Republic of the Congo needs, being drawn into the battle of our time yet ready to do the work at the permafrost outskirts (problematic) of science, requiring research costs to the point that I have to pass them on to you because I'm the only person willing to speak out, showing you the scale of the problem once more. Ok please support my video series on Kickstarter.
Harry: This provocative query may come off as leading up to a thesis statement in a piece of research content, but instead, according to my research, the conflicting ideological bias and undue financial request involved render it high-grade mesearch.
Linda: Ah, "doing your own research". Now that I've converted you, please support my video series on Kickstarter.
by Toilet896 July 28, 2021
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Taken from the fact that the differences between snowflakes typically have no bearing on the situation at hand, a special snowflake is someone who thinks they're entitled to special treatment because of their feels rather than suffer any logical accountability. A clear indication of said feels and lack of accountability is when a special snowflake experiences the first of the 7 stages of grief over their diagnosis with Special Snowflake Syndrome. The wounded creature can then be seen angrily typing on social media to redefine the term itself in a sad attempt to fool the entire world but themselves. After ignoring snowflake facts, they will pretend that "special" only has one strawmanned context to end up in literally Hitler land, no doubt munching on Doritos as well.
Special Snowflake: 3+3 is 5. Disagree and you're Hitler *eats Dorito*
Bystander: 3+3 is 6
Special Snowflake: 6 million Jews!
Bystander: You are really devaluing the horrors of the Holocaust here.
Special Snowflake: *scuffs up Dorito* Hitler!
by Toilet896 December 10, 2017
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A special snowflake is someone who thinks they're entitled to special treatment because of their feels rather than suffer any logical accountability. A clear indication of said feels and lack of accountability is when a special snowflake experiences the first of the 7 stages of grief over their diagnosis with Special Snowflake Syndrome. The wounded creature can then be seen angrily typing on Urban dictionary to define the term itself into literally Hitler using Illuminati confirmed level leaps of logic, no doubt munching on Doritos as well.
Shakespeare named Special Snowflake: I'm dumb? That's something only Hitler would say. nom nom
Reader: is your name compensating for something?
Shakespeare named Special Snowflake: Wait! Let me tell you about these triangular chips!
by Toilet896 March 9, 2017
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Someone who is announcing that they are shy, bisexual and needs lots of pity points
Tumblr special snowflake: I am shy, bi and ready to cry
Imaginary reader: Please god NO! And how brave of you to say that you're bisexual and being shy on top of that!
by Toilet896 July 31, 2016
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