9 definitions by Toblucz

The act of not knowing what to do or how to behave when you spontaneously meet the President of the United States (or meet him for the first time as staff), and you end up making a gigant ass out of yourself.
- Oh God, I met the President for the first time today... And I called him Donald.

- Yeah, presidential flame-outs are normal on the first day.
by Toblucz February 7, 2017
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Any kind of rock

The term came in the 50's when Elvis' hip swinging led to objections in the christian societys. The church then linked rock and roll to the "inapproporiate" hip jolting, wich further led to blasphemy and the devil.

The term was discontinued in the 60's, when all the popular rock bands formed. (Pink Floyd, Jefferson Airplane etc.)
If he has rebelled against God far enough to listen to the devil's music, i sure is rebel enough to try drugs!
by Toblucz December 22, 2011
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A. Dude, did you see the President's last tweet about the NFL? Or the one calling Kim Jong-un "short and fat"?

B. Yeah, it's a complete shitstorm.
by Toblucz February 13, 2018
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When you take a break from whatever you're doing to masturbate, most often pausing whatever is being watched on Netflix (alternatively trying to squeeze in a session while the video is buffering).
I was watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix and i managed to catch a masturbatory break because my WiFi sucks.
by Toblucz December 5, 2016
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First Gentleman of the United States. Comes from the acronym for the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS), but this (for obvious reasons) fits better than the acronym FGOTUS.
A: Yo, did you hear that Hillary lost the election?
B: Yeah, guess Bill Clinton won't be the first BROTUS after all...
by Toblucz November 21, 2016
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Brassiere. Other slangs are, but not limited to; "Over the shoulder boulder holder" and "Across the chest breast rest".
I had to ho buy an over the back rack shack for my wife the other day.
by Toblucz May 2, 2014
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A. Global warming isn't happening. We can't end the earth; only God can make such an ultimate judgement!
B. But a worldwide scientific consensus agree that global warming is happening and that it's man made. That's solid evidence. What's your evidence?

A. My faith is my evidence.

B. You're absolutely delusional.
by Toblucz February 18, 2016
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