1 definition by To Swole for sleeves

"Swole Nigga Status" Usually used in the gym before or after some one is lifts heavy weight or by any one who looks like they live in the gym. If some one eats, sleep, and shits, about iron they will say they are on their "Swole Nigga Status". this can also be used by any stronger than normal guys. If some one is doubting your ability to lift something heavy you can respond with im on my "Swole Nigga Status" once you lift it. the guy people are watching hit the most weight in the gym is on his "Swole Nigga Status" trying to get bigger. When helping some one move heavy furniture(couches or refrigerators, ect.) better be on your "Swole Nigga Status". Some one just broke some thing because they under estimate their strength due to being on that "Swole Nigga Status" (been in the gym to long). When some one claims"Swole Nigga Status" they will some times refer to some things such as eating to much, walking through a door way sideways, not being able to put your arms all the way down by your sides, as Swole Nigga Problems. If one lives in the gym they know the acronym SNS.
Guy 1: That bad has wheels so u don't have to carry it its heavy.
Guy 2: Heavy???? Im on my SNS and proceeds to carry the bag.
Any one who carry's a gallon jug around all day is probably on their SNS.
If you have Swole Nigga Problems your probably on your SNS
by To Swole for sleeves November 5, 2013
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