39 definitions by Tikibarberfan

The day you'll regret spending your kid's college fund on hookers.
December 22 2012 will be a day of reflection.
by Tikibarberfan July 24, 2010
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How Kanye West says exaggerating.
Jamaal: The day after I scored 80 points in Game 7 of the NBA Finals, I killed Hitler and discovered the cure for cancer.
Me: Wow, really?
Jamaal: Naw, I'm just frontin'.
Me: Stfu. Just because you're black and you say frontin', it doesn't mean your Kanye West.
by Tikibarberfan July 11, 2010
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The 12th state to ratify the constitution. Has some big cities, like Greensboro (the best one), and Charlotte, and lots of smaller towns in the country. College basketball is the main sport, because schools like Duke and UNC are consistently successful. The ONLY state in America where you can visit the mountains, beach, and city in the same day. You can't call us rednecks- I mean cmon we have an NBA team. Also pretty kickass climate-wise because I can wear shorts year-round.
If you went to any of the states that border North Carolina (Virginia, Tennessee, and especially South Carolina), you'd get your ass on the soonest flight back.
by Tikibarberfan July 12, 2010
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A rare disease where everyone likes you for no reason.
(Bob is walking in cafeteria carrying lunch tray.)
Popular Kid Jeff: Hey Bob you can sit with me.
Bob: Why?
Jeff: Idk just cause everyone likes you for some reason.

Bob has Danielnykampism.
by Tikibarberfan January 31, 2010
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1. More than one penis.

2. The word you get when you type penis too fast and forget the "s".
1. When Susie crashed the all-boy sleepover, she was hoping all the peni would fit in her.

2. Rick: haha the Giants lost

Bob: suck my peni

Rick: wait you have more than one?

Bob: no you dumbass i forgot to type the s.
by Tikibarberfan March 2, 2010
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A popular video game about professional football. For reasons beyond me, you can't consider yourself a girl if you like this, because your man would rather get his hands on this instead of you. Likewise, you can't consider yourself a man if you don't like it at least a little. Madden is basically a $50 penis.
Bob would rather play with his Madden video game than his girlfriends vajayjay.
by Tikibarberfan February 3, 2010
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