31 definitions by TiTyRon

children from 3rd world country's
they being accessory's by the fact that they are adopted by famous people only to boost thier reputation
famous people like angelina jolie and madonna have a shit load of accessory 's from places like africa and asia
people think that they are doing good by adopting but the fact is the children are only being used for the media. people like them are media whores
by TiTyRon February 5, 2010
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1)A evil video game company that feels the need to copy its competitor capcom and sometimes midway in every single way. if you pay very close attention when playing snk fighting games such as king of fighters and fatal fury you will notice that the most popular characters in those games are copied from capcom's street fighter resident evil popular characters . sometimes the fighting areas and outfits resemble does as we see in mortal kombat like this one temple area and out fits by which one of the snk characters mai shiranui copys kitana ninja outfit from mortal kombat 2.

2) the act of copying the most popular thing right now and making it into you own cheap knock off such as most cell phone company copy the iphone or iphoney
here is a list of all the characters snk copied from capcom
heavy d:balrog

mia shiranui: chun-li/ kitana

blue mary: jill valintine

kyo: leon kenndy

ryo sakazai: ryu , ken , akuma

clark, ralph : guile and charle

terry bogard: ken and chris redfeild

these are the ones that stand out the most

2)i heard samsung is coming out with a iphoney this summer
by TiTyRon February 4, 2010
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a dick that is more then 12 inches that is found on black men
did you know a black mans cock hangs from the side of his legs that look like a giant tumor
by TiTyRon January 17, 2010
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the act of putting aluminum foil on your teeth so they look like grills due to the shine of the foil. this is mostly done by a wigger who cant afford real grills
cody could not afford grillz to look like his favorite gay rapper nelly so his cheap ass bought gum and took the wrapper of the candy ( being that it is aluminum foil )and wrapped it on his teeth ,now showing off his new wigger grills he became the laughing stock of the neighborhood
by TiTyRon May 18, 2010
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legion(movie) is the same thing as the terminator just that this time its an angle rather then a killer cyborg
by TiTyRon January 8, 2010
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a show full of wiggers,a bit niggers ,and white trash men who are complete douchebags / tool to their girlfriends.this show on vh1 is basically teaching a whole bunch of assholes on how to become better boyfriends for their partner.this means not treating women like shit(like their gf's) and becoming a better man.i honestly think the girlfriends of the men on this show are fucking stupid bitches because why would anybody put up a asshole boyfriend,have your brother fuck your boyfriend up..at the end of the show only one man wins he wins money,becomes a changed man(well at least thats what we think) and a happier girlfriend.most of the women of the men are also white showing white women are easy and soft
i would like to see all the men of the tool academy have black or latina girlfriends.i wounder if they could dominate them like they do to the white women

one day i would want to find all the men of the tool academy and beat the shit out of them and have sex with their girlfriends in front of them
by TiTyRon September 29, 2009
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