1 definition by ThinkinSpace

"Hipster" refers to those who are adopting an exaggerated form of 'Indie' style purely for cultural acceptance, whereas the indie style consist of those who are genuinely just 'INDIEpendently' minded and it just happens to show through their image and outlook.

There needs to be a realization that 'Hipsters' and 'Indies' are two different cultures.
'Jack' likes a band called "Maps & Atlases", so he wears their T-shirts. Jack wears straight legged jeans because he doesn't like the way baggy jeans feel on him, and wears bigger glasses because he likes being able to see more. Jack genuinely thinks, listens to music, dresses, and acts outside of what is 'popular', because that is just who he is. Jack is an independent thinker, or "Indie"

'Nick' wears a "Maps & Atlases" shirt, straight legged jeans and bigger glasses because he saw it on Jack. Nick envy's people like Jack. Nick tries to copy their style of dressing so that he can feel more like Jack. Unfortunately, Nick can't realize that there IS NO style of 'independent thinkers', and that as a result of his trying to be 'indie', he has bastardized the entire culture. Nick is a hipster.
by ThinkinSpace April 14, 2013
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