15 definitions by The_Hawk


CIT's are the unsung and often overlooked heroes of camp. Working for even less pay than the minimal pay of the famed and glorified camp counselor, CIT's are often tasked with the grunt work of washing dishes and working in the kitchen in addition to an hour a day of CIT class and a CIT project, leaving limited time for them to actually be of any use to the counselor and group they've been paired with for the week. All of this they do just for a small taste of the authority and experience of almost being a counselor while still in high school.
Are you a counselor or a CIT?

What does CIT stand for?

Your camper just insulted me, he called me a CIT.

You'll always be King of the CIT's, Durphy.
by The_Hawk August 20, 2009
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The excess spit or spiddle expelled from an elderly person's mouth. This most frequently occurs while they are retelling long stories from "back in their day." It has been rumored that collecting this olden spiddle and putting it in your boots will bless you with protection from certain outside threats, however, this has never been successfully proven.
Oldman Miller: Back in my day, we didn't have boots like you do, we had to make our boots from scratch, and we had to use charcoal, but the charcoal would go out before you were done...

Crazy Bob: Get the olden spiddle, put it in your boots!
by The_Hawk August 9, 2009
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A legendary roll of duct tape which is capable of sticking to anything and never losing stickiness. However, the possibility of such a roll of duct tape raises the eternal question of whether you would be able to get the duct tape off the roll. Sadly, this is a question which can only truly be answered by discovering the Eternal Duct Tape.
If Eternal Duct Tape is eternally sticky, would you be able to get it off the roll?
by The_Hawk August 14, 2009
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In contrast to a Warm Fuzzy or Cold Prickly, a Lukewarm Smoothie is a note given to someone which causes a confusion of good and bad emotions or indifference due to either the self-contradicting nature of the message or being a simple statement conveying no clear emotion. Additionally, a Lukewarm Smoothie is typically given anonymously and signed simply <3 LWS.
Examples of Lukewarm Smoothies:

1. Peter, you look like a Lakie, but I still like you. <3 LWS

2. Michael, you have blonde hair and blue eyes just like your sister. <3 LWS
by The_Hawk August 4, 2009
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The code of honor all mimes are required to follow. The exact specifics of the Mime Code are known only to those within the ranks of the mimes, however, it has become known that the Mime Code prevents any mime from refusing a Tug of War Challenge.
Phantom Copperhead: No!! The Mime Code prevents them from denying a Tug of War Challenge!
by The_Hawk August 12, 2009
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Celebrated on the fifth of every month, Cinco de Nacho, is a holiday celebrating the glory and deliciousness of nachos. To properly celebrate Cinco de Nacho, 4+ trays of nachos with varieties of toppings loaded on top are needed along with lots of friends and/or family to celebrate with and fireworks to follow after the eating of the nachos. However, when circumstances dictate otherwise it has also become acceptable to celebrate Cinco de Nacho in a simpler fashion such as a simple run to Sheetz to get nachos by yourself.
Happy Cinco de Nacho!!
by The_Hawk August 5, 2009
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A fun and simple pool activity where everyone forms a circle in the pool and runs as fast as they can in one direction and then everyone changes direction at the same time and try to run the other direction causing a whirlpool effect. This process is then repeated as much as desired. The more people the better the whirlpool!
Everyone form a circle in the shallow end and we'll make a whirlpool!

No dying in the whirlpool, please!
by The_Hawk August 10, 2009
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