19 definitions by The_Buddy

Carl- "Hey, Chuck, is there any high-life left?"

Chuck- "No, sorry just a six pack of piss water somebody left in the fridge"

Carl- "Oh. Yeah i'm defiantly not a fan of that piss water so called Nattie Light"
by The_Buddy January 1, 2010
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Your peripheral vision. Also would account when somebody says "I caught it out of the corner of my eye".
Richard- "Dude, i saw Jacob eat your four piece chicken McNuggets"

Dave- "How? We were just making eye contact during this whole talk."

Richard- "I used my perif."

Dave- "Ohh, makes sense. But no biggie, them Nuggets were sprinkled with pet dander."
by The_Buddy August 21, 2011
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Day-to-day clothing. Opposite of a work uniform/attire.
Melbin Toast- "Woah, check out John in his streets, i didn't know he wore slacks."

Seymour Duncan- "Yeah its odd to see him in his streets, im used to seeing him in only a white shirt and tie."

Melbin Toast- "I wonder when John is at home if his family says 'Hey look at dad in his works!' "

Seymour- "..."
by The_Buddy January 14, 2012
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A watch. Usually a high class watch, such as a Rolex, IWC, or other Swiss-made watch. However, a high dollar watch to the working class could be a Fossil, Nixon, or Guess.
John Jacob- "Woah, better check your wrist piece, we got to get to the House of Blues real soon! I don't want to miss the Bowling For Soup/Good Charlotte concert."

Martin- "I know, this traffic jam is at least a mile long. My $40,000 Platinum IWC Pilot watch reads 7:49. We got 11 minutes."

John Jacob- "Why is the traffic even backed up so far?"

Martin- "There is a grand opening of a Chik-Fil-A up ahead"

John Jacob- "Eet mor chikin"
by The_Buddy November 17, 2010
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Projectile human feces that is jettisoned from an aircraft. In this case, a Boeing aircraft.
After finishing his green bean casserole, Steve had to defecate, so he headed to the bathroom. The male flight attendant said he had to wait approximately 3 minutes for the Boeing to jettison the fecal matter.

These Boing bombs are easily identifiable on earth by the peanuts left behing in the boeing bomb.
by The_Buddy April 19, 2011
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Man alive, check out the pipes on Damon. He just sung the McDonalds jingle spot-on key!! I'm lovin' it!!
by The_Buddy December 30, 2014
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A feeble attempt at a prayer of a diet.
Joanna- "I'm so fat"

April- "To be honest, you really are fat"

Joanna- "I read about the Krispy Kreme Diet in the funnies yesterday, maybe it works"

April- "Ooooo, tastey and inginious!"

(4 weeks later, after a diet of 3 Krispy Kreme donuts daily)

Joanna- "I think this diet is working! My scale says ERR, which i think stands for something good"

(Joanna's brother David overhears the conversation)

David- "No, it means error because you're so fat the scale can't handle the load upon it"

Joanna- "You're just mad because i ate your box of twinkies"

David- "Wow, that makes you even fatter, fatty."
by The_Buddy January 25, 2010
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