11 definitions by TheRandomGuy_BD

Trolling, which originates from the word "troll", is when a person on the internet or in real life known as a "troller" messes around with others for amusement. This can result in the victims, or people called "trollees" being very upset, angry, or sometimes laughing along with the trollers. In some scenarios the trollees don't have any reaction. Trolling can range from simple tricks (e.g. the classic water bucket on top of the door trick) to the worst deeds known to man (e.g. simultaneously killing hundreds or thousands of people)
Oh my. It appears Harold has part take in a minuscule amount of trolling.
by TheRandomGuy_BD July 3, 2023
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1) Noun - A substance in creatures such as snakes, scorpions, spiders, bees, etc. that is injected into other creatures.

2) Noun - A black bulky Spider-Man with some seriously fucked up teeth who likes to eat people. He also has his own movies.
Guy 1: Dude! Help!
Guy 2: What is it?
Guy 1: A snake bit me and injected its venom in me.
Guy 2: Oh. You mean that Marvel character?
Guy 1: No, dumbass. I mean the substace.
Guy 2: Oh.

Guy 1: Are you gonna do something or what?
Guy 2: Go ask someone else.
by TheRandomGuy_BD October 16, 2021
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An act of Trolling can range from things like simple teasing to genocide.
To experts, it's called "Terrorism".
But to us, it's simply called "An act of Trolling".
by TheRandomGuy_BD February 10, 2023
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A term that describes one who has morbid obesity, and is also a really big Morbius fan.
Guy 1: I'm telling you, man. He really did say "It's Morbin' Time" in the movie!
Guy 2: I know this is off-topic, but how much do you weigh?
Guy 1: Uh, at least 300 pounds I think?
Guy 2: I think you're morbiusly obese.
by TheRandomGuy_BD June 2, 2022
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