1 definition by TheGoodster

A drink popularised in London in early 2014, comprising of a Tequila Shot and a shot of Pineapple juice. Believed to have originated in the mountains of Europe.

The drink must be consumed in a specific order:
1. Drink 1/10th of the pineapple juice and keep it in your mouth
2. Follow instantly by downing the whole tequila shot
3. Finish with a chaser of the remaining pineapple juice

Many partakers of this beverage are said to proclaim "It's surprisingly smooth" after consumption.
"shall we order some Craigy Ds?"

"Four Craig David's please"
"Four what?"
"Craig David's..."
"What's that?"
"... you don't know what a Craig David is?"
by TheGoodster March 21, 2014
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