16 definitions by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner

The most annoying age of the human body of a male. The creature's hobby is mostly just making fun of females who do anything or talk to anyone, and hanging out with their friends talking about Fortnite, demon slayer and discussing 18+ shows that they pretend they know everything what is going on.Can be found mostly inside their house playing Fortnite, GTA, or any other type of inappropriate game play. their most common vocabulary are either really bad roasts, any type of inappropriate word (including cuss words) or "Ur mom" which they would normally laugh hysterically at. Another odd hobby of this odd creature is looking up inappropriate words in google and bragging about it in school.

so to sum it up, most 10 year old boys are insolent, disgusting and extremely rude creatures and will probably keep this behaviour up till about 14 or 15 years old.

i hope you have read it up to here, because i spilled out all my hatred for 10 year old boys in this description of them.

signed, TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner.
if you are a boy like this in my class and you've read this description, sorry, not sorry, it's all true.

WARNING: this description doesn't apply for all boys, some are nice. SOME.
Girl: "Hey, can you show me where the cafeteria is? I'm new here!"
10 year old boys: "i'll show where the cafeteria is to UR MOOOOM!!! HEEEYOOOO!!!"
Girl: "I don't understand what you're saying but i really need to get to the cafeteria!"
10 year old boys: " Go FUCK yourself you FEMALE! Elgh!! Does your mom let you watch 18+? I bet she doesn't! HEYOOO!"
Girl: "Look, I really don't get why you're telling me all this, but i need to get to the cafeteria before the bell--

Girl: "--rings. Also girl: "I am SO being a lesbian when i grow up."
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News: "Remeber to ALWAYS STAY INSIDE."

Me: "There goes another year down the drain..."
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something i haven't had in 4 years.
My mom: "Hey, i made you break-"
My mom: *opens the blinds*
me: *dies*

so, yeah. Human contact.
by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner August 24, 2022
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Person 1: "Howdy-do, another beautiful day!
Urban Dictionary Creator: "Take em' away boys. He knows too much.
A random stranger: THINK ABOUT IT PERSON 1! Do you remember what you ate yesterday? Who is your mom? Why is your name "Person 1"? CAN YOU EVEN SEE ME RIGHT NOW?! You have to help me! help us esca-"
Urban dictionary creator: You don't believe anything he said down there, do ya?
Person 1: um... uh... nope!
Urban dictionary creator: good.
Person 1: "Wait. What's gonna happen now? am I going to die? Am I going to be erased from the universe forever? NO PLEASE! HELP ME ! HELP-

Dear urban dictionary editors: Please let this story of People in an Urban Dictionary description through. I spent 30 mins on it. By the way, your hair is looking very nice today! And that outfit too! very niiiiiiice!
by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner August 23, 2022
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Alright, this is a difficult one. One common type of boy is the sweet, nice and caring boy who will always be there for you.

ANOTHER type of boy is the sexist, rude, and abusive boy.

not all boys fall into these categories.
Person 1: "What the hell IS a boy, anyway?"

Person 2: "Someone who identifies as a boy"

Person 1: " Doesn't really answer my question"
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