14 definitions by TheEye5000

Dead lead singer of Nirvana, also sometimes known as "Kurdt" or "the worst songwriter of all time". He was dirty, ugly, talentless and wrote horrifyingly terrible songs.

Even after Kurt did the world a favor and killed himself in 1994, many people continue to worship him as God (see also Necrophilia). Many 16-year-old girls and emo fucktards have Kurt icons. Magazines such as Rolling Stone have even named Kurt one of the top 20 guitarists of all time, even though Kurt never actually learned how to play the guitar and just punched it a lot.
by TheEye5000 May 30, 2005
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1. A heavy metal album released by Spinal Tap in 1984. The original cover art was considered sexist so it was censored into a plain black cover.

2. A self-titled metal album released by Metallica in 1991 and their first mainstream success. See selling out.

3. A rap "music" album released by Jay-Z in 2003. Considered highly inferior to real music.
1. Spinal Tap's Black Album is awesome but I wish they had kept the original cover for "Smell the Glove."

2. Johnny thinks Metallica's best work was the Black Album. Obviously, he's never listened to Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets.

3. I'm glad that Jay-Z's retiring after releasing the Black Album.
by TheEye5000 January 9, 2005
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The same type of pop shit you hear from Britney Spears and Top 40 Radio but in Japanese so you can feel superior.
Wapanese kid: omg!!!!!!1111!!!!! dis j-pop is teh rulz!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!! dis is soooooo azn!!!!!!!!! roflmao!!!!!!!111!!! yugioh rulz too!!!!!!! lol!!!
by TheEye5000 January 20, 2005
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Popular rap metal band of the 1990s consisting of vocalist Zack de la Rocha, guitarist Tom Morello, bassist Tim Commeford, and drummer Brad Wilk. Broke up in 2001 and changed into Audioslave.
Known for their left-wing political views (and lyrics), and for instigating the nu-metal genre of the late 1990s. Unlike most modern nu-metal bands, however, they included many traditional heavy metal techniques such as guitar riffs and solos.
If you are an anarchist or are just angry with the system you live in, then Rage Against the Machine is the band for you.
by TheEye5000 September 18, 2004
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A Christian fundamentalist website for "true Christians". The "unsaved are unwelcome."

Has strong opinions against Jews, Democrats, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Liberals, poor people, homosexuals, television, blacks, the French, pagans, atheists, and Cat Stevens.

Believes Pixar is an evil propaganda machine controlled by homosexuals.

The church makes most of its profits from website hits and selling "What would Jesus do?" thongs.
Landover Baptist: Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome.
by TheEye5000 January 8, 2005
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