1 definition by TheDude93

Often used as a synonym for "peasant," a "Pleb" is someone who is regarded as being of a lower standing/status.
The pleb will often not realize that they are, in fact, a pleb. And may even recognize someone who is also seen as a pleb as (more of) a pleb. This is of course a falsehood a pleb will tell oneself in order to make themselves not feel so bad about being a pleb. For, deep within their heart of hearts, the pleb hates him/herself more than anything.
Often times,"pleb" will be used by a member of the glorious PC Gaming Master Race as a way to put down a console gamer. And rightly so.
"you fucking pleb"

"fucking console pleb!"

"Assassins Creed is better at 30fps because it's meant to be more 'cinematic'? Fucking pleb. . . "
by TheDude93 February 18, 2015
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