2 definitions by TheDoctor8

A crazy fun dancer with a split personality. She's both a sweet and sensitive girl and a homicidal maniac. People love hanging out with her despite the fact that, on any given day, she could love or kill them.
Gosh, you're having being such a Kirsta today!
Kirsta hugged me and then kicked me in the shin.
by TheDoctor8 March 7, 2012
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The term that is typically used by young Christian girls to refer to a boy that they think is hot. Most frequently used in the presence of adults/parents/a nark.
Girl 1: Who did you say that guy was again?
Whovian: David Tennant! He's a beautiful creation!
I can't believe that some people think that Justin Bieber is a beautiful creation!
by TheDoctor8 March 7, 2012
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