3 definitions by TheDanny385

Car with no brand name on the back, leaving all people driving behind it puzzled.
Guy 1: What brand's that car? I can't figure it out.
Guy 2: I dunno man, its a bastard car.
by TheDanny385 February 19, 2011
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Spanish website making fun of Wikipedia, with constant misspellings on purpose and having Chuck Norris as all powerful god and Angus Young as creator of all beings.
In a way similar to Urban Dictionary.
Frikipedia also includes "step by step guides" to things such as getting a zero on a test.
Frikipedia says the 3 smartest beings in earth are:



If you want to check out the website, its www.frikipedia.es (its in spanish tho)
by TheDanny385 October 23, 2010
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Great country located in the south west of Europe, under a fascist dictatorship supported by President Nixon and Eisenhower during and for a while after WW2, one of the best countries of the world, with a terrible economy right now, but second largest tourist destination ever. Spain is the place where you want to go is you're still a virgin or have never gotten drunk, you'll do those quick. IT IS NOT MEXICO, we dont eat tacos or burritos. Our Tortillas are completely different (and better). We have the best football (soccer for the yanks) teams both internationally and locally, the home of the worlds best tennis player, and the winning team of the 2006 olympics for basketball.

If you really want oto eat and go to a country were food is awesome, the chicks are hot and the weather is perfect, go to Spain.
Spain is not portugal, I'm not saying we're better (we are tho) and, frankly, if you hate it, go f*ck yourself.

dude1: hey where are you from?

dude2: Spain

dude1: oh yeah that country in mexico which portugal ruled for ages?

dude2: Ah, Fuck *punches to death*

dude3: well done man, that faggot deserved it.
by TheDanny385 January 31, 2011
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