6 definitions by TheCrazedOne

A hidden meaning for fuck, "ycj" are "uck"'s neighbouring keys. Commonly said and used to bypass swearing filters and to curse at people without them knowing.
Guy 1 joins chat: Hi
Guy 2: fycj my life
Guy 1: k
by TheCrazedOne December 4, 2014
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A mistooken organization, that failed to exist from 200 years ago. The illuminati was actually a good foundation, that lead to success and victory in the French revolution.

These days, the illuminati is to be known as still "active", when really the illuminati were actually full of Christians, and was a good society to help keep peace and order when all was going mad.

But, the Illuminati was later shut down, after the French Revolution as you see, noone really needed them anymore.

So now, we have idiots walking around going "ERRR ILLUMINATI IS IN EGYPT, I SAW DER PYRAMERDS!" Which is false, and idiots that flash that illumanati sign around in their music videos are idiots as well.

Person 2: Your an idiot, the illuminati died years ago. It's called satan worshipping you darn fool.

by TheCrazedOne March 14, 2012
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When the car beside you decides to put on the radio and pump it up to max volume so that everyone walking and driving can hear, usually occurs at red lights.
Bill: Hey did you hear that new song by Drake?

John: Yeah, I heard it on the last night while I was walking home

Bill: Car boombox?

John: Yup
by TheCrazedOne July 8, 2013
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To play a joke without the other person knowing about it. Doesn't always have to mean a joke played on by another person but can also refer to any crappy situation in general.

Yoking is different than pranking in the way that it is like a prank, except pranking depends more on the actions of the other person and physical encounters, while yoking is more of like a joke.
Example #1:

John: "Where the hell is my bag?"
Bill: "I don't know dude, I think Sam hid it somewhere."
John: "You got to be yoking me, I have English homework to do!"

Example #2:

Jane: "Where is Sam with my cell phone?"
Jill: "I think he brought it with him on his trip to New York"
Jane: "You have to be yoking me"

Example #3:

Classic yoke:

-Dave chooses to walk home to school which is about 2 kilometers
-Starts to rain
Dave thinks you got to be yoking him right now
by TheCrazedOne September 23, 2014
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The first symptoms of Swag and becoming a swagfag. Not to be confused with being a faggot or swagfag. They stem from the same disorder.

It is important to distinguish the difference between a swagfag and a snapfag. A snapfag is very much like a swagfag except they are new to the whole "swag" thing. Usually seen walking around with a New York Yankees snapback and a graphic t-shirt of Mickey Mouse or some shit like that.

Snapfags feel the tendency to fit in with the other "swag" members but may not in fact, have any friends at all. Your dad, neighbour, white junkie down the street, and more can all be snapfags.

In essence, snapfags are admirers either secret or in open of the whole "Swag" scene. They are either in the stage prior to being a Swagfag, or just someone who dreams of living that lifestyle.

Usually seen walking into a Snapback store with their parents.
"Hi, can I see your newest snapbags please" - Snapfag
"Sure, they are over in that counter" - Cashier
"Okay thanks" - S
-Snapfag buys another New York Yankees snapback because he was too much of a pussy to go and fetch an Obey one off the shelf and making himself look like a total loser
by TheCrazedOne August 30, 2014
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The act of burping after one advises another against it or even mentions burping. Usually caused by the surrounding pressure and the need to burp in the moment. Also can be initiated for the lolz.
"Don't you just hate it when people burp?" - Guy #1's sister
Guy #1 burps out loud in front of the dinner table
"Burpaderp" - Guy #1

"Ewww that's so gross!" - Guy #1's sister

Example 2:

- Burrppp
- Everyone in the room proceeds to burp like music to a man's ears
by TheCrazedOne August 30, 2014
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