39 definitions by TheBx41

W2 does NOT mean "with". Not even close. W2 is an abbreviation for Word2 or Word Too, which are actually short versions of the phrase Word to mother or Word to everything or similar phrases that people say when they are telling nothing but the truth.
People who post on Urban Dictionary are dazed, W2.
by TheBx41 November 3, 2012
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Used when you want to describe something as Ass, Buns, or Cheeks but as an adverb instead. And, unlike the previous words, it can actually be said before the subject of the sentence and not just after it.
-I've been having a cheeky day so far.

-The Raiders played cheeky today!
by TheBx41 October 8, 2012
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A big mouth hippo is a person who says something is wrong one day but then goes and does that exact same thing or has already done it in the past. Calling someone a hippo is like saying look who's talking. Comes from the word hypocrite, but might also be a reference to the really big mouth of a hippo when it opens wide.
A Lil Wayne fan: Hip hop is getting so shitty nowadays..

by TheBx41 August 30, 2012
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(Verb) that you use to express your general approval of something or someone. Typically people use it as a softer way to say fucks but also because it is a polite alternative to cussing.

Note: If said with -ing at the end, then the z gets dropped.
Frankie: What we gonna deal with for lunch today?

Sam: I was thinking Dominos.

Frankie: Oh there's one around here? Good shit, I dealz with Dominos!
by TheBx41 November 6, 2012
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Dumb way of saying smacked. Just means that youre really really high off some good marijuana.
I was so shmacked last night.
by TheBx41 September 20, 2012
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1. To be extremely angry, ready to explode like a time bomb.

2. To be excited

3. To be very good or very skilled at something

4. To be on fire
1. I'm ticking off at my friends and fam for not telling me that it was a holiday today.

2. I am ticking out waiting for school to end already so I can have my Friday all to myself!

3. I saw you shooting hoops at the gym the other day. You're tickin with it dude, that's raw talent!

4. Lebron was straight ticking versus the Cavs last night. He showed them no mercy.
by TheBx41 November 13, 2012
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To apologize. Said immediately after making a slight mistake or after realizing that you just fouled somebody.
Aliya: Hey, you shoved me!

Trevor: My error, ma. I shoved you on purpose, but I didn't know that you were gonna get mad. Forgive me.


Trevor: Hi Im Trevor! Now that I got your attention, will you go out with me?
by TheBx41 November 18, 2012
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