1 definition by TheBigD101


Section 24- Protection via gentle direction

24(a)- A direction, or plea, for the oppression of an outside force, whether physical or non-physical, to be reduced from the level at which the oppression was set to be conveyed, or forced, against an individual.

(b)- The execution of the vocalisation, in regards to delivery and tone, is characterised, typically, by the actual phrase itself, and in effect, "Be gentle" is primarily spoken gently.

(c) The phrase may, or may not, be supported by additional vocalisations which demonstrate the weakness, either intended or not intended. of the victim.
Level 3, tower 4: "There's Fingers, get him!!!"

*Fingers is handled roughly*
Fingers: "Be gentle, ughuughughhuughh"
by TheBigD101 March 25, 2015
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