5 definitions by The Reverend McCready

Shit! This milk is like $3.50 a gallon. Screw the Keynesian Kenyan.
by The Reverend McCready April 28, 2011
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Slang term for the United States one-dollar bill, which is six inches in length. Although all US bills are the same length, the term can be pluralized to denote larger sums of money, irrespective of how many bills are involved.
Eustice: That bastard Gavin owes me thirty dick measurers.
Chad: Bro's always short on dick measurers.
by The Reverend McCready October 5, 2008
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The fatal gashes on the ass caused by butt sex gone awry, can lead to septic shock or death if poo penetrates the bloodstream.
Person 1: "Did you hear Margaret got the cuts?"
Person 2: "I'd give her three days at best..."
by The Reverend McCready January 31, 2008
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Gavin: You read the Baudelaire essay where he's talking about mutiliating his unwitting sexual partners?
Hortencia: tw;dr
by The Reverend McCready August 26, 2016
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