1007 definitions by The Original Agahnim

Someone that seems fun or exciting on the surface (at least to some people, not all), but doesn't really care how many they lose or what the people look like that they lose (black, yellow, brown, white, alien) as long as they win beneath the surface.
People thought the shallow girl really cared about the causes posted all over the signs in people's yards that she was behind creating, or the rallies and protests over causes related to incidents she was behind orchestrating, but in reality, she cared only about having the power to walk all over people that stood up to her and taking anything people didn't say yes to giving/sharing with her, as the word no was not an option for them to choose in her mind. That, and dollar signs.
by The Original Agahnim December 2, 2021
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Someone that would say or do just about anything to tread over anybody until given what they want the most (usually dollar signs and the power it can buy).
The shallow girl didn't care how many she lost or what they looked like (black, yellow, brown, white, male female, gay straight, polka dot, alien) as long as she won the golden city. She had always wanted not only the city, but to be worshipped by all as a rich and powerful deity.
by The Original Agahnim December 2, 2021
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Someone that pretends to care about fat people and other marginalized groups on the surface even though they are the first ones to encourage people to diet, exercise, or live a healthier and more active lifestyle (thus sneakily ridiculing them and implying that they are not okay the way they are and that they shouldn't be happy with the way they are until they have changed).
Thanks to shallow people, nobody is allowed to describe anybody as fat anymore without everybody assuming they are heartless, even if it's a simple and true statement. These same shallow people are the reason people can't call black people black, Indians Indians, gypsies gypsies, or pygmies pygmies to describe them in a way people previously recognized as legitimate anymore, because even if these groups of people aren't really offended by it, shallow manipulators have convinced enough people that they are offended and have hurt feelings to actually censor what people say.
by The Original Agahnim December 8, 2021
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Confidence in all the wrong traits such as physical appearance, social status, things that would make anyone unhappy to focus on instead of having an imagination/thoughts, things that might not be pleasant, but they are who somebody really is beneath the surface.
Being shallow isn't really confidence or happiness, and that isn't where anyone found happiness, no matter what other things that seemed to benefit them that they might have found there. Most people are looking for gold or anything that might have a dollar hidden in it though, so they don't really care too much about how happy they are with the last gold or dollar they found, there's just the next one.
by The Original Agahnim December 28, 2022
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An unusually powerful mouse girl, the real power behind other mice.
The Mighty Mouse Girl tried to convince them all that they were the big cheese, but really she knew who was going to get all the cheese in the end.
by The Original Agahnim July 7, 2021
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Letting someone else get the best of you to keep life on an even keel.
Not everybody had a 6th grade version of themselves that would kick the shit out of the adult version of themselves comromising everything, some people had a 6th grade version of themselves that wanted to become rich and powerful enough to force everyone else to compromise everything.
by The Original Agahnim August 5, 2021
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In just a couple years TV for kids went from Ninja Turtles to Power Rangers, so what do people think the new order of kids that grew up on Power Rangers and Barney the Purple Dinosaur are going to do with the world if they get the New Kingdom they are trying to make happen?
The New Order of kids actually thought the Power Rangers was awesome when it came out, which is a lot like describing secret police or SS as awesome. They also thought Barney the purple dinosaur was awesome, which is just plain disturbing. These are the kinds of kids that got ideas from watching the 90's show that had a goofy song with a line "Brother for sale, 25 cents" on how to make the dollar signs in their eyes from a young age.
by The Original Agahnim December 14, 2021
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