74 definitions by The Logical Fallacy

A person who has a passive fascination with gothic subjects (the night, despair, the night, wearing black, Hot Topic, Tim Burton, the night, etc.), but compared to an active goth, could not be identified as goth immediately on sight. They tend to not take the more dramatic lifestyle commonly associated with other goths, and are considered "moderate" in comparison. Can usually be identified by wearing all black and/or having a dark sense of humor. Not to be confused with emos or beatniks.
"You see that guy over there?"
"The art student in a black sweater and sunglasses."
"Oh, you mean the passive goth."
"Passive goth?"
"Yeah, you know, a goth that you wouldn't think was a goth till you ask them about how their day went. Shit gets creepy really quick."
by The Logical Fallacy March 26, 2016
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People who believe, to one capacity or another, the theory that William Shakespeare of Stratford did not write the plays that he had become famous for.
"There are certain people who believe that Shakespeare's plays are so sophisticated, so erudite, so brain-crapingly good that a middle-class kid from the Boondocks without a University degree couldn't possibly have written them. Why no one suspects the same from degree-less writers Maya Angelou, Truman Capote, Ray Bradbury, Mark Twain and Charles Dickens is anyone's guess. Still, the belief goes that only some one with a vast education and a noble soul could have designed such masterpieces. Shakespeare's too perfect not to be made by a perfect human. It is literary creationism."
-- Kyle Kallgren on Anti-Stratfordians
by The Logical Fallacy June 24, 2017
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Also known as "Aussiesploitation", Ozploitation is a genre of exploitation film that started in the Australian New Wave Movement, usually films made in Australia that makes use of its wide open spaces along with a vigorous use of sex and violence.
Mark Hartley’s documentary "Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story Of Ozploitation!" offers an historical overview of the Aussie film industry in the ’70s and ’80s, charting what happened after the government introduced a “for mature audiences” rating, along with piles of showbiz-stimulating grant money. Suddenly an army of opportunists emerged—some artists, some con men—to grab the money and run. (The same thing happened in Canada around the same time; that would make a good documentary too.)
-- Movie Review on A.V. Club.
by The Logical Fallacy June 11, 2017
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When one's description of God (as an entity) follows the exact same political and social opinions of the solitary worshipper in-spite of whatever scripture, dogma or gospel they claim represents God. Not to be confused with God Complex.
"So if Anthony the atheist does not believe that God exists, did he 'reject' her even if she does exist? No. All God would need to do is show up and ask Anthony in person for him to accept. Or perhaps Theresa the theist described God inaccurately. Is Anthony rejecting the real God, or the inaccurate portrayal of God, which doesn't actually exist, even though she does? In all accounts, Anthony is not actually rejecting God, and in all accounts, Theresa would have no reason to feel rejected at all. So why then does the theist typically show the classic signs of rejection and even misuse the word 'rejection' when encountering an atheist? Because 'God' IS Theresa. The believer IS God. Your relationship with God is actually a profound dynamic relationship with the self. With your ego. It is why God knows you so well. It is why his opinions are so often your opinions, and why a different believer of the same god as yours can claim that he agrees with God's opinions, but not yours. It is why God seems to very real to you because he IS real. He IS you."

-- DarkMatter2525 describing Egotheism in "The Real God: An Epiphany"
by The Logical Fallacy April 9, 2019
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The use of slow, pacifistic persuasion to de-escalate a problem, created from a moral righteousness through leadership. Contrast with hard power.
"Andrew Garfield however, offers a 'soft power' version of Spider-Man - he's constantly trying to persuade his enemies to stop their nonsense."
-- The Philosophy of Spider-Man – Wisecrack Edition
by The Logical Fallacy January 8, 2018
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Killed a guy called Toby. He was an asshole.
"I swear, this guy was a fuckin' dinosaur, and he killed Toby!"
-- Violence Jack: Evil Town
by The Logical Fallacy May 17, 2022
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A political figure who is transparently performing praxis and political change for their own benefit, even if everyone else suffers for it.
A meritocrat passes laws and social change for the benefit of the exceptional at the expense of the mediocre.

A kratocrat passes laws and social change for the benefit of the strong at the expense of the weak.
A plutocrat passes laws and social change for the benefit of the wealthy at the expense of the impoverished.

A theocrat passes laws and social change for the benefit of their God and religion at the expense of secular democracy.
An egocrat passes laws and social changes for the benefit of themselves at the expense of everyone else's wants and needs.
by The Logical Fallacy October 16, 2020
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