13 definitions by The Light of Reason

n. A boring, french, muffin-esque subsitute for the croissant. Usually eaten by boring, croissant-hating people.
"Brian eats Brioches. He's such a croissant hater."
"Pass me the Brioche, dear." "What, the muffin?" "No, the thing that looks like a muffin but isn't."
by The Light of Reason February 20, 2005
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n. the sexual attraction to both genders, opposite and the same.

A bisexual is someone who exhibits bisexuality.

Bisexuality is one of the more commonly misunderstood of all sexualities, next to transsexuality. Some of the most common misconceptions is that it is a passing phase, whether into homosexuality (being gay) or from that into heterosexuality (being straight). Most often bisexual people are considered confused, and wierd, and many misinformed people are convinced that one can only be gay or straight.
The homophobes were in disbelief of Chuck's bisexuality.
by The Light of Reason March 16, 2005
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n. Nickname for an actual person. He happens to be a very cool person. Who also happens to bruff (def. #2) very well. And produces very smelly bruffs (def. #1).
"Yo, Bruff, how's it goin'?"
"Not bad.... satiring definitions of my nickname on UrbanDictionary.com."
by The Light of Reason February 20, 2005
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\'war 'cor`por`a'tis`m\ n.

A new American movement led by U.S. weapons manufacturers, which has spawned a high-profile project known as the Project for the New American Century--a neo-conservative manifesto which includes in its toolbox the unbridled use of war in clearing a path for U.S. interests. President Bush is merely the figure-head of this dangerous precident.
The war in Iraq, along with several other American wars, was inspired by the War Corporatism movement.
by The Light of Reason April 17, 2005
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n. synthetic drug. (see above)

also known as acid.

Can be taken orally, or through the eyes in the form of eye drops.
(no example for this)
by The Light of Reason February 20, 2005
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n. The Act of Holy Matrimony. According to many religious groups, always reserved for heterosexual couples.

The Act of Marriage, contrary to popular religious opinion, is really the holy joining of two individuals bonded by true love and affection for each other. This is a bond avalible to all, regardless of the gender of either party involved, however, it is reserved only for those who truly care for each other and are ready for the commitment.
George - "Peter, I love you so much! Let's get married!" Peter - "I love you as well. But let's only get married when we are sure we're ready to make the commitment to each other."
by The Light of Reason February 20, 2005
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