4 definitions by The King of the Internet

Required to be present in every dictionary for the same reason as aardvark. Also, only thing of note to come from the southern USA.
Woah man isn't it freaky how all the dudes in ZZ Top have beards except Frank Beard??? What's UP WITH THAT??
by The King of the Internet March 31, 2003
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Internet celebrity and Wittay King of #Studio64. Famed throughout the land for being Australian.
The name's NuttO, that's O as in "orange", not 0 as in "your IQ".
by The King of the Internet March 16, 2003
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A bunch of IRC nerd-fags who like video games and are really kinda gay. Main topic of conversation is usually the male reproductive organ.
Go back to Studio64, fag!!
by The King of the Internet March 16, 2003
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