40 definitions by The Evil Steve

Shorthand for No Beers Necessary. Used to describe a person so attractive that one wouldn't require a drink to inspire or prepare for denting headboards with them. Can be spoken as 'nibben'.
Guy 1: "Did you see the body on that chick? She's totally NBN!"
Guy 2: "Ummm... dude... she's got three eyes and one eyebrow. Ease up on the Jaeger! Nice rack, though."
by The Evil Steve July 28, 2005
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A male person's definitive "never" response. Puts to rest the relentless drunk friend-of-friend who tries to force you into a flase confession.
Drunk FoF: "Dude, would you ever consider nailing Snooki?"
Dude: "No."
Drunk FoF: "Not even if your were drunk?"
Dude: "Never."
Drunk FoF: "Even if you're drunk, horny, and she's playing with your balls?"
Dude: "Only when I'm pregnant."
by The Evil Steve June 3, 2011
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Source: Public Service TV spot from Guinness featuring the animated Brewmasters.

1) Acronym for the message of above-referenced spot: Use Common Sense And Always Know When You've Had Your Fill

2) General sign-off to your buds as they head out for the pub/club/party

3) Expression of disbelief, akin to WTF
1) Pretty self-explanatory

2) Guy 1: "I'm heading out for the club to get laid, drunk or both.
Guy 2: "Good luck, Dawg. UCSAAKWYHYF."

3) Guy 1: "Dude... when I was out, I chatted up that 'girl' you were drunk-dancing with last week. 'She' asked for your number - and said thinking about your pants gave 'her' a boner!"
by The Evil Steve January 28, 2006
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Acronym meaning Mother I'd Love to Fuck. Used to describe a physically / sexually attractive woman of an age likely to have teenage sons of her own (generally 35-50). Term widely used by said teenage sons, most often in reference to each other's mothers. When with their Boyz, they joke about MILFs... privately, they go home and fap themselves rotten thinking about the MILFs they just joked about.
"Dude... J-Dogg's moms got an ass you want to eat lunch from! Total MILF!"
by The Evil Steve July 28, 2005
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A person who vapidly, unthinkingly yet wholeheartedly repeats, shares and takes to heart phrases and ideas he/she hears from his perceived leader. Most often (OK, damned near exclusively) applied to followers of right-wing media magnates like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage Weiner, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, et al. A ditto monkey is often a raging dullard who can't normally put two syllables together without a paper clip, yet when the topic of their idol's specialty comes up (usually politics), his eyes glaze over and he eloquently spews words you know he couldn't otherwise possibly understand.
"Oh great... E-mail from Patrick. Hideous spelling, every fourth word in ALL CAPS, punctuation looks like a typewriter threw up, and he's blaming the weather on the Clintons. What a flippin' ditto monkey!"
by The Evil Steve July 28, 2005
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The decade which saw corporate radio and major record labels finally kill rock and roll for good. The 1990's started with Vanilla Ice and ended with the *nSync Degree Boys. In the middle, Nirvana tried to save us, so they killed Kurt Cobain.
Thank you so much Clear Channel and Big Five Record Labels! Thanks to your unrelenting assault on artistry in the 1990's, we get treated to the same fifteen songs a day from eight "different" artists on twenty "different" radio stations played repeatedly!
by The Evil Steve September 7, 2005
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1) Derisive term for a man's feminine side - especially when he's picky, touchy or emotional about something seemingly minor.
2) The bumhole - almost always a man's, and usually used in a prison-dating context.
1) Jesus, Steve, all I said was your car needs washed... you didn't have to flash me your mangina!
2) You got sentenced to three years in State? Guard your mangina and don't drop the soap.
by The Evil Steve September 8, 2005
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