4 definitions by The BGK King

The most sweet-ass sizzlin train that ever did choo choo, Today, trains have pride of place in Chattanooga's former Terminal Station in Tennesse, also a popular song by Glenn Miller,it was no.1 for nine weeks on the Billboard Best Sellers chart.
"Wow did you see that train it was so chattanooga choo choo"

"That car was almost as fast as a Chatta choo choo"

"This song has been chatta chooing in my head all day"
by The BGK King March 9, 2009
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A Softcore chav is essentially a pussy-ass chav who can't do shit. He's all talk and no show. He might shout out at you, but engage in a fight? fuck no that shit-face is running like a baby-back bitch.
"A sofcore chav tailed me last night"

"I wooped the softcore chavs ass"

"He ain't hard he's softcore"
by The BGK King March 9, 2009
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One of those awesome grannies that gives you a shitload of cash everytime she visits. They were major ravers back in their day and they tell you all about it. They also let you get away with fucking everything!!
" My granny is a Slam-O-Gram she just gave me a fifty"

"Check the Slam-O-Gran playing the mean base"

"That's one wicked Slam-O-Gram, i hear she gives wicked pressies bitch!"
by The BGK King March 9, 2009
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A really sweet ass game that you just can't stop playing.You'll keep it for ages but never stop putting it on and enjoying a blissfully awesome game session. Taken from the amazing game called "Nhl hitz 2003" which is the most popular game ever sold.
"That game is the hitz"

"Wow you've been playing for hours, it must be pretty hitz"

"I need to find a game that is Hitz so that i don't need to buy another one"
by The BGK King March 9, 2009
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