6 definitions by The Almighty P.Gotti

It is a term used to define a really ugly girl that is either fat or a total mess. It holds stronger description than the famous grenade, landmine or zoo creature.

I can be used to go above and beyond when describing a woman or girl that has outdone herself as a grenade.

A girl who is the epitome of being fat, ugly, a mess or a combo of these.
Yo, did you see that girl? She's a total tactical nuke.
by The Almighty P.Gotti February 1, 2011
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This is means Destined For Fatness. It is a thin girl who will eventually become fat. The idea is that as the saying goes, when you marry a woman, look at her mom and that's what she'll look like when she gets older. This can also be loosely used to classify a girl that over eats, doe not exercise or does unhealthy things. You can either use DFF or D4 which is a thin girl that will eventually explode into a fatty.
She may look ok now, but she's DFF!
by The Almighty P.Gotti February 1, 2011
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This is basically pleural version of Tactical Nuke. When there are multiple Tactical Nukes somewhere or most women in an entire area, club, city, town or state are pretty haggard, then it can be refered to as this.
My town is a Nuclear Holocaust.

Did you see all the grenades at the club? It was a total Nuclear Holocaust tonight!
by The Almighty P.Gotti February 1, 2011
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This is the shortened version for Destined For Fatness, DFF. This goes with the line of thinking that girls will grow up to look like their mothers. If the mother is fat, then most likely, she will be too. The girl may be thin now, but like C4, will explode into a fatty. This can be used also if the girl over eats, does not exercise or does things that are not healthy.
She's a D4." "Why's that?" " You see her mom, bro?
by The Almighty P.Gotti February 1, 2011
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This is the shortened version for Destined For Fatness, DFF. This goes with the line of thinking that girls will grow up to look like their mothers. If the mother is fat, then most likely, she will be too. This can be used also if the girl over eats, does not exercise or does things that are not healthy.
She's a D4." "Why's that?" " You see her mom, bro?
by The Almighty P.Gotti February 1, 2011
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A bazooka is similar to grenade, but refers to an older woman(30-50). It means the girl is fat, unattractive, a big mess or a combo of all. Since a bazooka is an antiquated explosive device, it would be used to reference an older woman. Becareful of the bazookas, because now you have to worry about their D4s, heating pads, aches/pains, depends and callin a cab to the nursing home.
Cyrena is a total bazooka!
Why's that?
She's old and ugly.
by The Almighty P.Gotti February 28, 2011
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